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New opening in Akureyri
at July 2018

You 'll eat something special
and taste an italian typical food 
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Easy meals for large groups

Matreiðsla fyrir stóran hóp getur verið daufari áskorun. Að finna leiðir til að vinna smartara og ekki erfiðara þegar skemmtilegur mannfjöldi getur sparað peninga og gert viðburðinn ánægjulegri fyrir gestgjafinn eða hostess. Val á auðveldum máltíðum þegar verið er að elda fyrir hópa er lykillinn að árangursríku og lágstreituatviki. Minna stress er að kaupa af okkur hið fullkomna ítalskt Lasagna og njóta þess.


Planning while the intentions behind hosting a meal for a large group are certainly honourable, a little advance planning can help to avoid frustration, if not outright disaster, later on. Be realistic about your skills in the kitchen. Now is not the time to try a new recipe, no matter how simple it seems. Stick with what you know and prepare larger quantities. Select a menu that is appropriate to the occasion and fits within your budget. Preparation time and quantity must be considered as well. Always allow for ample preparation time. Decide in advance how much food should be sufficient for the occasion and then cook just a little bit more. Or order to lasagnatakeaway.com what you need.


Planning while the intentions behind hosting a meal for a large group are certainly honourable, a little advance planning can help to avoid frustration, if not outright disaster, later on. Be realistic about your skills in the kitchen. Now is not the time to try a new recipe, no matter how simple it seems. Stick with what you know and prepare larger quantities. Select a menu that is appropriate to the occasion and fits within your budget. Preparation time and quantity must be considered as well. Always allow for ample preparation time. Decide in advance how much food should be sufficient for the occasion and then cook just a little bit more. Or order to lasagnatakeaway.com what you need.

Classic Lasagna

Lasagna Rossa Napoletana: symbol of italian cuisine in the world, the lasagna red is a tasty dish meal thanks to its made of meat and tomato souce.


Gattopardo: delicious macaroni's timbale in which pasta and eggplant is accompanied by rich and tasty ragù souce.

Lasagna di verdure 

Vegetables lasagna is a lighter version and colorful classic lasagna, first dish beloved by young and small. Whatever the season or occasion, this dish will enrich of colors and scents your menus or become a substantial and genuine unique dish, served in generous portions.

Lasagna di verdure 

Vegetables lasagna is a lighter version and colorful classic lasagna, first dish beloved by young and small. Whatever the season or occasion, this dish will enrich of colors and scents your menus or become a substantial and genuine unique dish, served in generous portions.

Lasagna di verdure 

Vegetables lasagna is a lighter version and colorful classic lasagna, first dish beloved by young and small. Whatever the season or occasion, this dish will enrich of colors and scents your menus or become a substantial and genuine unique dish, served in generous portions.

Parmigiana di melanzane 

Parmigiana is a side dish consisting of fried eggplant first fried and then baked in oven with tomato, mozzarella and parmigiano cheese.  A seemingly dish is actually one of most popular, famous and tasty dishes in Italian culinary tradition.

Parmigiana di zucchine 

Parmigiana di zucchine: is a delicious  disch that can be served either as a main course or on its own. Courgettes parmigiana is made by a white souce and is a lighter but equally tasty alternative to eggplant.

insalata orzo & verdure

Barley and vegetable salad: Barley and vegetable salad  is an appetizing and nutritious alternative to a usual rice salad, with the advange that once cooked barley always manteins its consistency.

ASAP Dolci - Sweets 

As soon as possible we will have many delicious italian sweets as Babà, Pastiera, Sfogliatella and Caprese.

ASAP Dolci - Sweets 

As soon as possible we will have many delicious italian sweets as Babà, Pastiera, Sfogliatella and Caprese.


Planning while the intentions behind hosting a meal for a large group are certainly honourable, a little advance planning can help to avoid frustration, if not outright disaster, later on. Be realistic about your skills in the kitchen. Now is not the time to try a new recipe, no matter how simple it seems. Stick with what you know and prepare larger quantities. Select a menu that is appropriate to the occasion and fits within your budget. Preparation time and quantity must be considered as well. Always allow for ample preparation time. Decide in advance how much food should be sufficient for the occasion and then cook just a little bit more. Or order to lasagnatakeaway.com what you need.


Planning while the intentions behind hosting a meal for a large group are certainly honourable, a little advance planning can help to avoid frustration, if not outright disaster, later on. Be realistic about your skills in the kitchen. Now is not the time to try a new recipe, no matter how simple it seems. Stick with what you know and prepare larger quantities. Select a menu that is appropriate to the occasion and fits within your budget. Preparation time and quantity must be considered as well. Always allow for ample preparation time. Decide in advance how much food should be sufficient for the occasion and then cook just a little bit more. Or order to lasagnatakeaway.com what you need.


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